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Meet Lesly. A SuperViving example!

¡Lesly is a SuperViving example!

  • Lesly considers herself a Survivor because even in adversity she has not allowed herself to fall, because her trust is in God and if God with her, who is against? She wants to be an example for many women; an example that when you want you CAN. The important thing is how we see life and what legacy and example we want to give our children.

  • Cancer has allowed her to know the human side of people and above all, it has taught her that she is stronger than she imagined. That although the pain is intense, Lesly today knows that the mind is more powerful than the body and that if you have FAITH you can achieve anything.

  • When Lesly met Rosa Es Rojo, she discovered that she really did not know as much as she thought about how to take care of her health. He realized that there was still a long way to go. Simply learning to read product labels changed the way you shop for food 100%.

  • He also discovered that his battles and struggles will never be overcome if he is not clear about what he wants. With Rosa Es Rojo, she learned to have direction and control of her emotions. "Now I try to think things through before deciding." Lesly also received help to improve her relationship with her two daughters.

I am Lesly Cardona, Guatemalan, divorced and I have two wonderful daughters named Anayancy, 20, and Katie, 9.

On February 2, 2018, I was diagnosed with Cancer of the Breast and Lymphatic System in stage 2 entered to 3.

It was a real surprise because I never thought I could inherit it, my grandmother and my mother died of cancer and I basically had a maternal cell that arrived with a lack of protein and that was the one that unrolled my cancer at 41 years old.

I am a Teacher of Profession and currently I work in a wonderful company called Royal Prestige, there I lead a group of entrepreneurs and also train new generations, visit clients and do demonstrations. I volunteer at my daughter's school when I can and I also serve in a Christian church that my daughters and I attend. I had a double mastectomy and lymph node removal on May 22 and I have had 21 chemotherapies to date, on July 10 by accident a doctor cut the left carotid artery that brought me many long-term health problems but thank God I am already better than That, they put expanders on me, 1 of which bent and causes me a lot of pain. But thank God in March they will take them away from me.

I think that like all processes there are good and bad days, but as I always tell myself: forget the bad days and remember how good this process has left me. In April I will have cosmetic surgery to erase the scars and rebuild my armpits and scars. I think that will help a lot. One day, I read the following:

  • Or I was sitting behind the failure crying my sorrows and what happens to me.

  • Or I get up and fight and give war to Cancer. So I chose to fight disease.

I think Cancer doesn't know who he's messed with. Even if he is in bed I will continue to give him war. I have many things to do and when my 9-year-old daughter tells me: I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU, that feeds my soul. My 20-year-old daughter tells me: you are my example to follow and that motivates me to be better every day. I really want to live and many things to do.

I want to see my daughters grow, achieve their goals, and support them in everything. I want to become a Director of Royal Prestige and I know I can do it.


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